Procedure Fees for Public Patients
Gastroenterologist Fees
This is an estimate of the fees that will be charged by Dr Nagree depending on which of the following you may require.
Item number | Description | Fee | Medicare rebate | Out of pocket |
110 | Initial consultation | $143.35 | $143.35 | $0.00 |
116 | Follow up consultation | $71.70 | $71.70 | $0.00 |
30473 | Gastroscopy | $315.75 | $165.75 | $150.00 |
32222 | Colonoscopy | $562.80 | $312.80 | $250.00 |
If polyps are found and removed then there will be an additional charge (approximately $150 out of pocket)
Anaesthetist Fees
These are set out by the anesthetist and independent of Dr Nagree. These are difficult to prequote as they are dependent on the time taken for each procedure. As a rough estimate you may be out of pocket $250-350.
Pathology Fees
The Pathology company will bulk bill all procedures directly to Medicare. You will not incur any out of pocket expenses and will not receive any bills for their fees.
Hospital Fees
These are set out by Waikiki Private Hospital and payable directly to them, and independent of Dr Nagree. You will need to get a formal quote from them directly but the rough estimate is
Gastroscopy $1500.00
Colonoscopy $1837.00
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy $2148.50
There is no Medicare rebate for hospital fees.